A Home was the Launchpad to Her Family’s Success

Teri Clark’s Story

Teri always wanted stability for her three daughters. She wanted to make sure that they could put down roots and stay in the same place, but after getting divorced, Teri found that chasing affordability often meant moving from place to place, year after year.

That’s when she applied to build and buy her own home through Habitat for Humanity. Teri was selected in 2012, and construction on her house began shortly after. For more than a year, Teri devoted her time to Habitat’s partnership program – contributing “sweat equity” hours working on the construction site, taking homebuyer education classes and attending community events. Her home was completed in 2013, and it soon became the launchpad for their family’s success.

Now, 10 years later, Teri’s daughters have grown. Her eldest daughter recently got married and her twin girls are attending college. Teri continues her career as a business-owner and hairstylist, but she feels disheartened knowing how expensive the housing market has become.

“I can’t believe that the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment is getting close to $2,000,” she said. “My heart hurts for my girls who are working hard to stay in this community, but trying to make enough money for that kind of rent while attending college as a full-time student is a challenge.”

Teri understands why people are drawn to Fort Collins – the charm of the community, the great schools and access to the outdoors make it desirable. But in her opinion, a lot of the vibrancy of Fort Collins is being lost because more and more families are being pushed out of the community due to housing costs.

“I feel so fortunate to have stepped into homeownership when I did – not only did I fulfill a dream for myself and my children, but we were able to put down permanent roots and grow as a family. I want that same opportunity to be given to individuals and families like mine, and I hope that our community supports projects and legislation that make that opportunity more accessible to others.”

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It’s important that every member of our community has a safe and stable home.